Match Report - 14th January 2013

With the winter snows just around the corner the group gathered to eat the remains of the Christmas munchies and obviously play a few games!
The Monday Night Gamers
At one end of the table Gwen led Crispin and Daniella in one of her favourites, Alhambra with many references from Crispin to the need for his palace to have plenty of Seraglios! Gwen, unsurprisingly, emerged victorious.
Alhambra - Gwen's palace part way through the game
At the other end of the table Kingdom Builder was played by Robin, Claire, Brian and I. This game again proved popular and, whilst far from being my favourite game from Essen 2012, it is growing on me due to its simplicity, speed of play, replayability and the balance of tactics to fun. Robin again won this game, although in part because I spotted a strategy that whilst I loused it up myself I had pointed it out to him. He obviously took the guidance with open arms and profited mightily from it!
Kingdom Builder - The board mid way through the game

With our first game over time for coffee, Christmas cake and Chocolate Pantone, yummy!

My group then embarked on one of my Christmas presents Survive: Escape from Atlantis. A game that will appeal to those who like the ability to mess their fellow players up and will equally not appeal to those who dislike the more confrontational type of games. A quick explanation of the game will shed light on the reasons for these comments.
Survive: Escape From Atlantis - The board with explorers on boats and and whales, sharks and sea serpents in the surrounding waters
The concept is that each player has 10 explorers (with concealed numbering on their bases; 3 explorers * 1, 2 *2, 2 * 3 and 1 each of 4, 5 and 6). The game board has an island in the middle of the board made up of hexagonal terrain tiles representing beach, forest and mountain (their weight / depth indicate their relative height on the island) with 4 beach / safe zones in the 4 corners of the board. In each player’s turn they can use 3 movement points to move their explorers towards the safe corners, then sink 1 part of the island (generally forcing another players adventurer to start swimming) and then move one of the sea creature: whales which like knocking explorers out of boats, sharks which like eating people in the water and sea serpents who eat boats and explorers! The winner is the player with the highest value of explorers on the safe beaches when the island finally sinks or the volcano explodes.
Survive: Escape From Atlantis - Two of the players
Claire and Brian, who had not played the game before, gave it resounding thumbs up, in spite of Claire not doing so well – in part because I sunk a boat with three of her explorers and then sent the sharks in! Ooops, I really didn’t know that the sharks were hungry at that point!
Survive: Escape From Atlantis - The board and other components

More photo's of the evening can be seen here.

Our next event at the Crow and Gate (please note note NOT the Blue Anchor), Crowborough is in two weeks time on Sunday 3rd February starting at 7.00pm - £1 per head. More details can be seen on our Facebook Page Social Gamers - Crowborough

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