For those looking for their once a year games purchase, be it for children or the family, or just another game to add to their collection, then this article will hopefully offer some interesting possibilities. Possibilities all easily available online and most at around £20 or less!
This years's article focuses primarily on dice games, however towards the end of the article there are also ideas for Stocking Fillers all under £10 and mostly card games.
Each game has a suggested children's age it is suitable for; however this also gives a really good indication of how thoughtful or complex the game is and therefore what to expect when you open the box. All the games fall into one of three categories:
· Stimulating Family Game (10 years)
· Thoughtful Family Game (age 12 and up)
I recognize that you may have stumbled on this article and know little about modern board games, and be a little intimidated by games you will probably never have seen in the shops. No worries; using the power of Google and YouTube you will find lots of video reviews that will both expand on my short explanation and give a clearer idea of how to play any of the games that interest you.
Dice Games
Most of us were brought up with dice throwing games and so at one level at least, all these games will seem in some way familiar. Yes there is luck in the games listed, but each uses different mechanisms to moderate that luck. It isn't simply a matter of the person that throws the highest dice being the winner, rather to a much greater degree it will be the person that makes the best choices with the dice they throw! And in saying dice games don’t think each of these games just has dice numbered 1 to 6, most don’t!
Camel Up
Complexity: Simple Family Game
Playing Time: 30-60 mins
No. of players: 2 to 8 but best with 4 or 5 players!
Theme / Mechanic
Camel Up is a racing game where players bet on and manipulate the speed of 8 camels racing around a pyramid.
Camel Up is this year’s Spiel Des Jahres winner and in terms of family games there is no higher accolade! Having played it a number of times I feel confident most families will have a lot of fun with it; it will play within an hour; is quick to learn and will
unusually handle up to 8 players. At only just over £20 it is simply excellent value.
Why Not!
If you like a quieter more thoughtful game where you can control the outcome, then this is unlikely to work for you. Equally if you are only likely to have two or three players, then whilst fun, there are other games that may offer a better experience.
Escape: The Curse Of The Temple
Complexity: Simple Family Game
Playing Time: 10 mins!
No. of players: 1 to 5 players, but best with 4 players!
Theme / Mechanic
Escape: The Curse Of The Temple is a race against time (using a CD) game where players reveal new areas of the temple and rush around as they seek to find a way to escape the cursed temple. All players are simultaneously throwing dice and moving their character token on the temple floor plan!
An intense fast paced dice throwing game, over in 10 mins! Players are all trying to escape a temple and to do it they need to work together! Yes it’s a co-operative game, the first of three in this article and if you haven’t played this type of game before then the players are pitted against the game with everybody winning or losing together! A popular game that will definitely raise the heart rate and liven up a Christmas afternoon!
Why Not!
There is lots happening simultaneously and it is very much against the clock. Having played it a couple of times I would happily never play it again but I recognise that that’s my view and didn’t concur with the other people I played it with!!! As a cooperative game then there is no clear winner, this is a feature that appeals to some, but leaves others cold! It is also at the more expensive end of the games listed.
Garden Dice

Playing Time: 60 mins
No. of players: 2 to 4 and thought to work equally well with 2, 3, or 4 players!
Theme / Mechanic
In Garden Dice players acquire seed tiles and then through efficient planting and watering try to be the most successful player at harvesting their crops. But beware the unwanted attentions of other player’s birds and rabbits which will mess with your carefully planted crops.
An unusual theme for a game but one that I thought would appeal to a wide group of people. As a family game there are a number of reviews that speak of its appeal to both young and old and it’s got garden gnomes!
Why Not!
If gardens and gardening are not your thing then clearly the theme will be less appealing. Although mild compared with the next game (King of Tokyo) players can attack each other through the use of the birds and the bunnies!
King of Tokyo
Complexity: Simple Family Game
Playing Time: 30 mins
No. of players: 2 to 6 but best with 4 or 5 players!
Theme / Mechanic
In King of Tokyo the players take on the role of big monsters all battling to control Tokyo and either conquer it or be the last monster standing! This is the only exclusion game and unsurprisingly therefore the most aggressive in this list of games (an exclusion game is a game where some players will be forced out of the game before the game ends; other exclusion games include Monopoly!).
Because it is great fun with the right group of people, has great artwork, is simple to learn, quick to play and will create a gaming experience with lots of player interaction.
Why Not!
Clearly it is the most confrontational of the games in the list and personally I avoid such games. However I have played it, had a good laugh and know lots of people who would recommend it. Not for everyone and because of the exclusion element I would personally avoid playing it with young children!
Pandemic: The Cure
Complexity: Simple Family Game
Playing Time: 30 mins
No. of players: 2 to 5 but best with 3 or 4 players
Theme / Mechanic
Pandemic:The Cure is a more thoughtful cooperative game, than the earlier Escape: The Curse of the Temple. This game challenges the players to work together to save the world from a contagious outbreak of 4 deadly viruses.
It is based on one of the most popular games available today - Pandemic; however this game offers a package that is faster to play but equally challenging! As a cooperative game again you win or lose as a group and so it will test players ability to collaborate in what will be both an enjoyable and thought provoking game! With the current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, it offers a topical game that will resonate with many.
Why Not!
Cooperative games are not for everybody; some people only really enjoy games where there is a clear winner and with a more real world theme. This game is not as light hearted as the others in the list. It is also perhaps worth noting that the strength of a cooperative game of getting people working together is obvious. What is less obvious is that if you have one dominant player then they can end up telling everybody what to do and so create a pretty poor experience for all the other players!
Complexity: Simple Family Game
Playing Time: 20 mins
No. of players: 2 to 4 but best with 2 players
Theme / Mechanic
Quixo is an abstract game with a board made up entirely of wooden dice (25 to be precise), with either a circle or a cross. Sound familiar!
It’s a simple abstract tactile game that can be played with younger children. The principle of the game is simple and for those who enjoy abstract games it offers something that both young and old will enjoy and whilst best with 2 players, offers an interesting alternative for 4 players.
Why Not!
It is an abstract game so for those who like a game with theme and or good artwork this will seem a dry and unappealing game.
Roll Through The Ages: The Bronze Age
Complexity: Simple Family Game
Playing Time: 30 mins
No. of players: 1 to 4 but best with 2 players
Theme / Mechanic
In Roll Through The Ages: The Bronze Age players build an ancient civilisation using a combination of wooden dice representing their cities, a wooden peg board to record their food, wood and other resources/goods and a score sheet.
Yes its abstract and to me has always seemed akin to Yahtzee, but unlike Yahtzee it has a point to it! The mechanism is the same you roll dice and retain some choosing to re-roll others – simple enough. But as the game progresses you build, more cities so gaining more dice, ancient wonders and advance the abilities of your civilisation. I have played this game many times and in my view it’s a really great game, if you fancy something short over a coffee, but with some interesting decisions and no craziness!
Why Not!
It’s an abstract game and is a dryer with only very limited player interaction.
Stone Age
Complexity: Stimulating Family Game
Playing Time: 60 mins
No. of players: 2 to 4 but best with 4 players!
Theme / Mechanic
Stone Age is a worker placement game where the player’s tribe can go, hunting, felling trees, to school etc as they seek both to feed and advance their little community.
This is my favourite game on the list; with a lovely board and components it offers an interesting game with plenty of replayability that whilst thoughtful is not taxing and so would offer a great way of spending an hour on a wintery Christmas afternoon!
Why Not!
The most expensive of the games present in this list at over £30 and enough bits to intimidate many, but………!
Stocking Fillers
Some fun quick games all at under £10!
Hanabi is a collaborative card game that has won the prestigious German game of the year prize. The theme of a firework display is thin, but if you are playing with a group that enjoy; working together puzzles and are up for a game that requires clear headed thinking and good communication skills; both speaking and listening then Hanabi would be well worth buying!
Love Letter
Love Letter is the smallest game in this year’s list made up of just 16 cards, great if you will be travelling to friends this Christmas as it will easily slip into a pocket or handbag and be there should you need it. Love Letter is a really simple fun game where you are trying to work out what cards (characters) the other players have as you try to slip past the guards to deliver a love letter to the princess. Another game with some lovely artwork
Pickomino is a classic amongst gamers and designed by possibly the best known games designer in the world. The theme of the game is about worms on a BBQ – who cares about the theme? It’s daft! But Pickomino is an excellent little game that will also handle up to 7 players, although its sweet spot is 3 or 4 players.
Zooloretto: The Dice Game
Zooloretto: The Dice Game is a lovely little game, based on the board game of the same name. The games dice have different animal symbols on them and using them you fill delivery trucks with animals on there way to your zoo. Essentially you are trying to collect sets.
Post Script. How could I have forgotten Rory's Story Cubes?! This is reviewed on the blog here and wold be another excellent stocking filler if you wanted to stay with the dice theme!
And lastly
I have really enjoyed playing these games this year and feel they would make excellent gifts
Firstly two Simple Family Games: Augustus (Think Rome and then add bingo!) and Colt Express (Wild West mayhem with a great model train).
Then three thoughtful family games that offer something deeper and again are included because I have really enjoyed them are: Keyflower An excellent game from a British designer with the theme of building your New World settlement and trading with your fellow players.
Istanbul The winner of this years Kennerspiel des Jahres roughly translated Connoisseur game of the year.
T’zolkin An innovative worker placement game with an ancient Mayan theme and using an interlacing cog system based on the Mayan calender
So plenty of interesting games to choose from. However if you have read this far and a) haven't lost the will to live and b) not quite found a game that works for you then please take a look at my previous articles giving ideas for other games for Christmas. The 2010 took the approach that so many cookery articles do of what would work at various points over the festive season and the 2011 article suggested games that offered a fresh perspective on the perennial favourites.
Thank You For Reading and Happy Gaming!
THANK YOU to my fellow bloggers for the excellent photo's. In previous years I have used all my own however with limited time I have used those taken by others. I hope this is OK.
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